The MSI MPG B850 EDGE TI WIFI is a premium AMD B850 motherboard for white AM5 PC builds!

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • НаукаНаука

Комментарии • 72

  • @ALKtech
    @ALKtech  2 месяца назад +1

    Check out the written review for this motherboard here:

    • @1maxiu93
      @1maxiu93 2 месяца назад

      Excuse me do you know price in your country ?

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  2 месяца назад

      @@1maxiu93 the price for this board hasn't been made public yet where I'm from!

    • @dannggg
      @dannggg 2 месяца назад

      @@ALKtech 330 in the us. 350 total with tax I got it for.

  • @dannggg
    @dannggg 2 месяца назад +3

    I ordered the x870e edge ti. Comes the Jan. 15th 🔥

    • @1maxiu93
      @1maxiu93 2 месяца назад

      For how much If I can ask ?

    • @dannggg
      @dannggg 2 месяца назад

      @ 330+ tax on msi’s page

    • @1maxiu93
      @1maxiu93 2 месяца назад

      @dannggg 330 usd ?

    • @dannggg
      @dannggg 2 месяца назад

      @ yes

    • @dannggg
      @dannggg 2 месяца назад

      @@1maxiu93 350 total

  • @i3urnerr
    @i3urnerr 2 месяца назад

    I'm trying to do an all white build with Ryzen 9700x CPU. Which motherboard is better? This or B850 AORUS ELITE WIFI7 ICE?

  • @nel5460
    @nel5460 2 месяца назад +2

    Good review again ! what u prefer B850 AORUS ELITE WIFI7 or this one ?!

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  2 месяца назад

      Thanks! The MSI board in this video has a more premium feature set compared to the Gigabyte B850 AORUS ELITE WIFI7 ICE, so it'll really depend on what's the most important to you! Personally, if aesthetics take precedence, I'd go for the Gigabyte board, given its actual full-white aesthetic...another factor to consider would be pricing too - is there a big difference in price between both boards where you're from?

    • @nel5460
      @nel5460 2 месяца назад

      @@ALKtech actually around 70 more for the MSI , MSI is at 350 at that point a ice pro x870e would be 50 more :X but it hurt the wall of lanes sharing

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  2 месяца назад

      @@nel5460 mmm I see. Yeah, the PCIe lane sharing situation with X870E and X870 boards is a bit of a bummer (even though the performance impact that this has on your graphics performance should be minimal). Do you have a processor in mind already? If you don't have a need for the more premium features that the MSI B850 EDGE TI WIFI has, getting the Gigabyte is not a bad option at all I'd say..

    • @nel5460
      @nel5460 2 месяца назад

      @@ALKtech 9600x or 9700x or 7800x3d when price go down if they do ..., they are crazy actually more than 600 for brand new 7800x3d 😆

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  2 месяца назад

      @@nel5460 yes the pricing situation for the 9800X3D and 7800X3D is nuts...I bought my 7800X3D brand new for around US$350 a month or so before the 9800X3D launched and I'm thankful that I did 😅

  • @fallingblackshot7992
    @fallingblackshot7992 22 дня назад

    Will the Thermalright Phantom Spirit Evo Cooler fit this mobo just fine? Been eyeing on this board for awhile 😂

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  19 дней назад

      Yup it'll work with a Phantom Spirit 120 EVO!

  • @rishimistry9664
    @rishimistry9664 29 дней назад

    Great review! I bought this board

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  27 дней назад

      Cheers! What's the specs of the PC that you'll be building with this board?

    • @rishimistry9664
      @rishimistry9664 27 дней назад

      I've got all my other components now, just the motherboard is remaining.
      Processor - AMD R7 9700X (had planned to go for 7700X but it was only 20AUD cheaper than 9700X, so went with 9700X)
      RAM - Corsair 2x16GB 6000mhz CL30
      PSU - MSI MAG A850GL
      Case - Antec C5 White
      CPU cooler - Thermaltake Aqua Elite V3 White
      GPU - XFX RX 580 GTS XXX edition 8GB (temporary placeholder card, will wait for new AMD GPUs 9070XT coming out this March in a few days)

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  26 дней назад

      Sounds like a great mid-range gaming PC build!

  • @cuongtang9539
    @cuongtang9539 2 месяца назад

    i have the z790 version of that board in white, and let me tell you the Intel board even its older lucks much much nicer

  • @narumo6965
    @narumo6965 2 месяца назад

    Good review. Thank u! And MSI B850 Gaming Plus WiFi? Is it any good?

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  2 месяца назад +1

      The B850 Gaming Plus WIFI is several steps down from the MPG B850 EDGE TI WIFI in terms of product positioning, where it has a more "basic" aesthetic, a more entry-level VRM setup and does away with the fancy quality-of-life features. It'll definitely be way cheaper than the board in this video though, and should still handle even higher-end Ryzen 9000 series processors well enough!

    • @narumo6965
      @narumo6965 2 месяца назад

      @@ALKtech Thank you for your reply!

    • @isitdark
      @isitdark Месяц назад

      ​@ALKtech what about MSI B850 Tomahawk ? Is it better?
      Thanks in advance

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  Месяц назад +1

      @ both boards are pretty much identical actually in terms of specs- the Tomahawk is designed for black-coloured PC builds, and the EDGE TI WIFI for white-coloured PC builds!

    • @isitdark
      @isitdark Месяц назад

      @@ALKtech Thanks for your reply. I set my eye on Tomahawk.

  • @talking_mudcrab
    @talking_mudcrab Месяц назад

    Are those antenna connectors SMA standard?

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  Месяц назад

      Nope, it doesn't use the standard SMA connectors with threads unfortunately!

  • @nicklasnilsson2041
    @nicklasnilsson2041 Месяц назад

    Was going for the ASUS ROG Strix X870-A Gaming WIFI before watching your video, now i think i save myself 200 dollars and go with this instead :D.

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  Месяц назад

      Oof that's a heck of a price difference, I'd go with the MSI too over the ASUS X870-A! Use those cash savings on some other part of your PC, such as a better CPU, PC case etc!

    • @nicklasnilsson2041
      @nicklasnilsson2041 Месяц назад

      @@ALKtech yep, everything is expensive here in sweden ^^.
      everything else is kind of bought. just waiting for a chance to buy a 5090. but i guess that will be like 6 months away =(

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  Месяц назад

      @ fingers crossed that you'll be able to snag a 5090 at non-scalper prices!

    • @nicklasnilsson2041
      @nicklasnilsson2041 Месяц назад

      @ ha! i want the a aorus master ice. it will be 3200 dollar from the store xD

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  Месяц назад

      @ 😅 it's a sweet looking card though! Will you be using a dual-chamber PC case with glass panels all around to showcase your build?

  • @pangeranrio0112
    @pangeranrio0112 2 месяца назад +1

    A bit disappointed to see the rear I/O compared to their previous gen

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  2 месяца назад +1

      Are you referring to the MPG B650 EDGE WIFI? If so, I do get where you're coming from, especially given this board's 4x USB 2.0 ports on the rear that seems, a tad out-of-place for a more premium motherboard offering...MSI could have included more USB 5Gbps ports instead!

    • @pangeranrio0112
      @pangeranrio0112 2 месяца назад

      ​@@ALKtechyes. I mentioned B650 Edge

  • @S_Karthik
    @S_Karthik 2 месяца назад

    Next for tomahawk b850

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  2 месяца назад +2

      I'll have to see if I can get a marketing sample for the Tomahawk!

  • @spencerz2
    @spencerz2 2 месяца назад

    Does the plastic piece covering the RGB emblem come off? It makes it look dull on that left side.

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  2 месяца назад +2

      Yup it can be removed with a wee bit of force - the funny thing is the RGB emblem comes with a rectangular protective sticker that covers the entire surface of the integrated I/O shield, which can only be removed once you remove that translucent plastic strip!

    • @spencerz2
      @spencerz2 2 месяца назад

      Awesome! Thank you for the response and letting me know. It may seem small but it would have really bothered me. I love this board, only wished they had an all black version that wasn’t almost double the price (carbon) :(

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  2 месяца назад

      @@spencerz2 happy to help, and I totally get where you're coming from. Personally, I found the addition of the said plastic strip a little unnecessary, but I guess that's all in the name of "aesthetics" 😅 I'm guessing that you're still deciding on whether to go with a black or white AM5 PC build?

  • @Neonvarun
    @Neonvarun 2 месяца назад +5

    MSI really really really Needs to launch a BLACK version of this Motherboard 🙏🏻

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  2 месяца назад +1

      Yeah it's a pity they don't have a black version of this - it has a pretty good feature set for a B850 mobo!

    • @dannggg
      @dannggg 2 месяца назад +1

      @@Neonvarun asrock nova is the one I want in black but it’s being scalp for 600+ like no tomorrow. I’m so happy for this white one that came out lol.

    • @pangeranrio0112
      @pangeranrio0112 2 месяца назад +1

      Yeah. Sad they don't release the MPG B850 Carbon

    • @xwizardx007
      @xwizardx007 2 месяца назад

      well x870e carboon wifi is at least an option and its in stock mostly if thats what you want unlike asrock nova(kinda expensive though and has lane sharing and personally prefer asus x870e gaming one if black is your style.)
      i hope the this white one will be more easily in stock then nova because i suspect that this will be the new hyped motherboard now

    • @Neonvarun
      @Neonvarun 2 месяца назад +2

      @@xwizardx007 Asrock has one of the best looking and feeling Mobos but the whole MSI software and hardware combo is very hard to beat from what I know.

  • @st3ya_au
    @st3ya_au 28 дней назад

    why you need top of the line motherboard all i care it dont over heat etc

  • @liekarts2936
    @liekarts2936 26 дней назад

    Ez digi-debug led

    • @ALKtech
      @ALKtech  26 дней назад

      Definitely a nice-to-have feature!

    • @liekarts2936
      @liekarts2936 26 дней назад +1

      @ALKtech yup. The Asus rog b580 does not have that feature